Release notes - OC v5 Version ** New Features * [OC-3730] Invoice Import support for SFTP servers ** Bug Fixes * [OC-3629] Conversion Page validation missing that requires to and from quantity to be greater than 0 * [OC-3631] Inventory hot list can be deleted while used in inventory * [OC-3632] Issue changing date on sales import causing save process to never complete * [OC-3635] Supplier view would sometimes initially select an inactive supplier on open * [OC-3637] Item Recipe Management Associate Items shows inactive suppliers * [OC-3639] Items view issue when removing case sizes would sometimes not prevent default case size from being deleted * [OC-3652] Invoice view issue when creating new invoice from existing invoice with price changes * [OC-3656] Invoice Import view issue when repeatedly clicking refresh button * [OC-3659] Inventory view issue where cannot adjust finalized inventory on initial open * [OC-3661] Item duplicate should clear out barcode from case size * [OC-3663] Invoice Import configuration not handling the occurrence field correctly * [OC-3666] Usage Summary by group drill downs sometimes not filtered correctly * [OC-3668] Prep view shelf life missing validation for invalid characters * [OC-3681] Invoice view not applying taxes to item account * [OC-3683] Prep view validation missing on recipe uom for un-convertible unit * [OC-3689] Uom view missing validation on uom type to prevent save if left blank or unset * [OC-3691] Invoice Import opening invoice with errors missing order code in expense lines * [OC-3693] Issue with recipe set install when using regional suppliers where default case size would sometimes be disabled * [OC-3694] Issue with recipe set install when updating prep to include on countsheet wasn't saved correctly to appear on countsheet * [OC-3695] Prep view shouldn't allow locations to be modified if not included on countsheet * [OC-3703] Report view issue where drill down report sometimes wouldn't open in new tab and would replace the original report * [OC-3705] Countsheet view wouldn't remember the sort by option last used * [OC-3721] Invoice view print from price change popup didn't display report * [OC-3723] Nutrition page when entered from label would cause error next time item was edited * [OC-3726] Access Level view issue when trying to set restriction back to full access wouldn't save correctly * [OC-3731] Sales Calendar totals for sales import sometimes do not calculate correctly * [OC-3732] Nutrition Label report for Canadian label has mis-spelling * [OC-3733] Inventory view issue where after rejecting finalize confirmation the adjust command would incorrectly be enabled * [OC-3734] Default Conversion view missing validation for 0 quantity * [OC-3739] Invoice Import view after modifying configuration changes wouldn't be applied until view re-opened