Release notes - OC v5 Version ** Task * [OC-3400] General Synchronize function with enterprise * [OC-3423] Optimized retrieval speed of sales calendar * [OC-3377] Optimized processing speed for switching descriptions on sales items * [OC-3426] Sales Import view reduced amount of re-validation needed on refresh * [OC-3439] Sales Import view no longer validates on initial open of existing sale * [OC-3510] Sales Import view modified display for mismatched warning to display the OC description and both POS descriptions * [OC-3288] Employee view now shows which users in the list aren't editable with icon * [OC-3431] Added Inventory Preference to enable print of countsheet major groupings on separate pages * [OC-3326] Added message on application close to notify user when enterprise usage uploads are still in progress * [OC-3340] Renamed report Product Detail Book to Product Recipe Book * [OC-3352] Added open invoice icon to Invoice Expense report * [OC-3390] Review Inventory report missing filters for group and category * [OC-3421] Prep Sheet reports changed to use second level prep unit instead of batch * [OC-3422] Daily Prep Sheet report now includes a "build" column * [OC-3506] Sales views modified to include multi select commands for switch description and un-link * [OC-3509] Sales Calendar tool tip for sales import warning modified to show count of mismatched and un-linked sale items individually * [OC-3398] Prep view modified to have separate securable for main prep details and prep countsheet details * [OC-3399] IRM view modified to have separate tabs for Item/Prep/Product list ** Bug Fixes * [OC-3282] Buffet calendar search would sometimes encounter an error * [OC-3286] Batch Scaling view on close would sometimes encounter an error * [OC-3287] Prep view had add product available for ingredients page when shouldn't be * [OC-3289] Access Level view restriction for period lockout should inherit value from parent * [OC-3291] Issue with Inventory Adjustments failing to upload * [OC-3292] Inventory Order Form report only shows default case size and not sorted by custom countsheet * [OC-3293] Monthly Order Sheet report only shows default case size and not sorted by custom countsheet * [OC-3294] Issue when creating Till Tape Sale where subsequent saves would occasionally duplicate the sale * [OC-3296] Issue when creating Order Guide with duplicate description * [OC-3297] Order Selection view filter for days option "All" not working correctly * [OC-3298] Issue when creating product from invalid sale item using configuration with no group * [OC-3299] Daily Sales reports issue when sales total is $0 * [OC-3300] Issue when Till Tape Sale is re-run from calendar the product cost is not updated to current costing * [OC-3302] Issue when Catering/Buffet event is re-dated from calendar didn't trigger enterprise upload * [OC-3304] Period Purchases tile didn't remember user selection for mode and date parameters * [OC-3305] Issue with Period Lockout didn't lockout inventory re-enable function * [OC-3306] Daily Sales calendar delete function now works on a range of selected days * [OC-3307] Items view missing validation when the adjusted case cost goes below zero * [OC-3308] Item Waste Detail report displaying incorrect unit values * [OC-3309] Issue with invoice credit requests where the reconciled invoice was adding to stock quantity * [OC-3311] Credit Reconciliation view missing title icon * [OC-3312] Budget worksheet view would occasionally get error when loaded * [OC-3313] Budget Worksheet view percentage template popup row focusing issue * [OC-3315] Issue with recipe instructions expand button would get error on double-click * [OC-3316] Recipe Instructions editor Find/Replace toolbar function wasn't working * [OC-3318] Item/Prep/Product view issue with sorting after refresh for drop down lists * [OC-3319] Cost of Sales Analysis report second page of report had error * [OC-3320] Purchase Detail by Supplier report formatting changes * [OC-3321] Inventory Count Detail report removed unused actions from sub headers * [OC-3322] Order Docket report missing report header on second page * [OC-3323] Inventory view countsheet reports should use countsheet column preference to match the view * [OC-3324] Issue with uom type lockout on new item after saving a existing item in another tab * [OC-3325] Inventory view countsheet reports issue with sorting on item with multiple case sizes * [OC-3327] Prep Recipe Book showing inactive items * [OC-3330] Invoice Import Configuration issue with adding trailing "\" on focus lost * [OC-3329] Item view validation for duplicate conversion not working correctly * [OC-3331] Item Sales Detail report display issue with products sold if sold from multiple departments in same day * [OC-3332] Issue when creating orders including items below par level not including quantity on order in calculation * [OC-3334] Issue when importing invoice where expense code took precedent over order code. * [OC-3335] Issue with bluestreak import where negative values could be saved to countsheet * [OC-3337] Order view reports sometimes displaying incorrect uom * [OC-3339] Default supplier term not consistent in Supplier and Invoice views * [OC-3342] Reminder tile after creation would sometimes get error * [OC-3344] Weekly Sales report not calculating first day of week displayed * [OC-3349] Invoice Import Configuration popup reset button should also remove supplier from main drop down * [OC-3350] Purchase Detail by Supplier report displaying incorrect unit level for quantity * [OC-3351] Issue with countsheets still displaying disabled locations for preps when used for secondary locations * [OC-3353] Export Specification Wizard missing option to remove lines in file sections * [OC-3354] Items view issue when creating new item certain units would reset back to default value after refresh * [OC-3355] Issue with amalgamate item function not working correctly for inventory summary * [OC-3356] Issue with item last purchased date sometimes out of sync with purchasing * [OC-3357] Item/Prep view issue with comments not saving * [OC-3360] Issue with Ingredient page where ingredient rows not visible in scroll-able area wouldn't validate correctly * [OC-3361] Issue with Dashboard where switching users wouldn't load new user dashboard correctly * [OC-3364] Prep view issue with shelf life not saving correctly * [OC-3365] Prep view modified on open before changes made * [OC-3369] Issue with invoice import when assigning general expense the first time then manually opening invoice would lose the expense row * [OC-3371] Pos Configuration should require Gross or Net based on preference for type of sales * [OC-3373] Import Configuration should validate field values before on finish * [OC-3374] Issue where occasionally when deleting an inventory the account balances would remain in accounting reports * [OC-3375] Export Configuration missing validation in fixed width type for start value must be unique * [OC-3376] Export Configuration not saving correctly when switching file type on existing configuration * [OC-3379] Uom Alias popup would get error when deleting blank row * [OC-3381] Issue when switching through setup views quickly would cause error * [OC-3383] Item/Prep view issue where uom type could be available when should be locked out * [OC-3384] Order Export Configuration popup doesn't render properly on smaller resolutions * [OC-3386] Product Cost Over Time report using current recipe costing instead of extracted recipe cost from sale * [OC-3388] Issue when adding nutrition from label to a prep would cause error * [OC-3389] Item view would sometimes encounter error from the core information when saved * [OC-3436] Item view would sometimes encounter error when view closed after save * [OC-3392] Sales Import view modified on open before changes made * [OC-3393] Issue with default accounting export configuration for MAS 90 not setup correctly * [OC-3394] Manage Locations popup wasn't saving primary location correctly * [OC-3395] Supplier Expense Code popup missing validation for account * [OC-3396] Hot Lists popup issue where new button stays disabled after open command * [OC-3403] Product view would sometimes encounter error on close after editing document * [OC-3404] Issue when creating products from invalid sales and uploading the new definitions to enterprise, would sometimes cause duplicate product to be created * [OC-3405] Import Configuration doesn't refresh processing fields when file format changed * [OC-3406] Supplier Expense Code popup would get error on close * [OC-3408] Invoice Import Error popup would get error after resolving Invoice Expense error by choosing account and reprocessing * [OC-3409] Issue with loading order guide where it was adding disabled case sizes * [OC-3410] Order Forecast report suggested order amount not rounded correctly * [OC-3411] Import Configuration popup issue when changing file type gets error when going to next page * [OC-3412] Issue when uploading sales to enterprise if sales are being deleted and re-imported while uploading, sometimes the most recent daily sale for a day wont get uploaded * [OC-3413] Issue when linking products in pending sale view previously fixed sale items get re-processed incorrectly * [OC-3414] Export Configuration doesn't refresh processing fields when file format changed * [OC-3415] Forecast Order Sheet by Volume report missing validation for desired gross sales * [OC-3416] Forecast Order reports modified to be more consistent with order forecast creation * [OC-3419] Nutrients From Label popup accept button incorrectly labelled "save", details from label are saved with the item * [OC-3420] Order Worksheet view report modified to show blank space when qty is 0 * [OC-3424] Import/Export Configuration for fixed with had extra processing fields that weren't necessary * [OC-3429] Issue with case size conversion conflict warnings missing cancel button to interrupt save process * [OC-3432] Sales Import view missing spinning animation for long running processes * [OC-3433] Sales Import view added command for un-link action so it can work for all selected rows * [OC-3437] Issue with Import sales at start where sales would sometimes not generate usage * [OC-3438] ExportWizard exception when refreshing parent view when second page shown * [OC-3440] Issue when opening existing invoices would use the current unit cost instead of the invoice item unit cost * [OC-3442] Invoice Expense report open invoice action would sometimes not load the invoice view properly * [OC-3443] Sales Import view issue when modifying products then re-run sales would sometimes still use old product definition * [OC-3445] Sales Import view issue when ignoring valid sales item wouldn't change status to ignore until re-run * [OC-3446] Sales Import view ignoring the same sales group twice would cause error * [OC-3448] Sales Import view when selecting multiple rows with different status would cause error * [OC-3507] Issue with ignored sales groups stored incorrectly causing descriptions to not ignore sometimes * [OC-3402] Supplier Uom Alias popup missing validation for alias description * [OC-3500] Daily Sales view optimized for smaller resolutions * [OC-3463] IRM view associate items issue when copying case sizes already copied would cause save progress display to never close * [OC-8214] Setup views not working correctly when add new entries