Release notes - OC v5 - Version ** Additions * [OC5QA-181] - Added Pending Sale report ** Bug Fixes * [OC5QA-182] - Order Creation by Forecast not applying adjust for quantity on hand checkbox * [OC5QA-183] - Invoice Import implied decimal calculation incorrect when more than 2 decimal places * [OC5QA-184] - Invoice Import refresh button not working * [OC5QA-185] - Cannot create case size from Invoice Import Errors Popup when Access Level does not specify FullAccess to ItemsView * [OC5QA-187] - Exception thrown when attempting to open imported invoice from InvoiceImportView using status link * [OC5QA-188] - Exception thrown when attempting to create an item from the Invoice Import Errors Popup * [OC5QA-189] - Invoice Lines shown as price overridden despite no price change when imported through Inovice Import View * [OC5QA-190] - Employee View does not check for uniqueness of UserName * [OC5QA-191] - System preferences does not show modified default units on refresh * [OC5QA-192] - Rare issue when no CaseSizes found for an item * [OC5QA-193] - Rare Purchase Price validation error in items view * [OC5QA-194] - Rare issue when dragging and dropping ingredient lines in prep/product view * [OC5QA-186] - Change HTML renderer for recipe instructions in recipe single/book reports should eliminate blank pages