Here’s a familiar scenario: the restaurant you go to piles 14 ounces of fries on your plate giving the impression of a huge meal and better value for your dollar. But in reality, most customers cannot eat this much, and some or most of the fries end up in the garbage. For the restaurant, this […]
In a nutshell, a successful business is all about the numbers. Are you making enough money to cover your costs, pay your staff, and pay yourself? Can you save on any costs to make a profit, or to reinvest in your business to remain competitive? Are you charging enough for each menu item? Can you […]
If you’re going to run a successful restaurant business, there are a few management tasks you simply cannot avoid: counting your inventory, tracking your sales, and restaurant menu costing. Menu costing is particularly essential to protecting your bottom line. In the restaurant industry, your sale prices are your only source of revenue – to stay […]
After the rush of the holidays, but before the summer slam hits, you might find you have a slower season in your restaurant or bar. Many businesses in the hospitality industry experience a slow down in the first few months of the new year, as customers recuperate from holiday spending and retreat into their homes […]
It’s no secret that the restaurant industry can be a fickle friend. Restaurant owners and managers have to remain constantly engaged with their finger on the pulse of the most recent trends and consumer desires to remain relevant and competitive. Restaurant owners also need to remain diligent in balancing the books and ensuring they are […]